Youth engage in peer-led activities that aid in the development of a positive self image, leadership, organizing, and advocacy skills. This paid training takes place in the kitchen, garden, classroom, and even in the music studio.


AFC’s Youth Training & Opportunities Program has reached capacity for the 2024 season! If you’re interested in being added to the waitlist, please reach out to our YTOP team via email at Have a wonderful day!


Want to know how to cook, garden, and grow as a leader? Join AFC’s YTOP Program! We’re here to help you grow within yourself, your home, and your community.

“Being able to connect with others from my community who are willing, determined, and dedicated to make the same change I want to make means everything to me.”

Four people looking toward the camera smiling while standing in Appetite for Change's commercial kitchen space during a Community Cooks event. Three people display peace signs and one holds a spatula.

TRAP OR GROW is out now!

After the success of “Grow Food,” we wanted to continue sharing music with a worthwhile message. The Trap or Grow album includes four new songs written and produced by AFC Urban Youth that expand our message to not only be about healthy eating and living, but growing your personal and professional skills as well, inviting young people to explore the opportunities that AFC and programs like YTOP offer youth in North Minneapolis.  #TheYouthAreTheTruth #TraporGROW

Have you seen GROW FOOD?

Grow Food was created as a capstone summer project by youth interns participating in YTOP. Operating under the moniker “Urban Youth,” these young people are activists, artists (rap, spoken word, dance and theatre), aspiring chefs, and entrepreneurs. #TheYouthAreTheTruth

Ready to join our mission?

Donate today and help build a more equitable food system. Together, we can do more.

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Appetite For Change

2520 N 2nd St #102
Minneapolis, MN 55411

AFC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Our Tax ID is 27-5112040. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


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